What a difference a week makes
on JUNE 10, 2018
So much has happened in the last week, I’m going to do a list update and dive deeper on a few subjects.
Our household goods arrived this weekend – yay! bed!
Yesterday, they finished the windows and started measuring for the screens
Plumbing is complete (except for an issue with the inline water heater that we still need to figure out)
We have a moat in front of the house (really a trench) for the power lines
Kitchen appliances will be installed this coming Tuesday (stove, fridge, ovens, dishwasher)
Carpenter also coming next week with shop made cabinets
Tile update
Designing remotely is difficult. On my most recent trip, I was standing in the living room and contemplating the tile I had planned for the rug under the dining room table. If you remember, I chose a pretty intricate rug like pattern with bright colors to match some china I am inheriting. Standing in the space and imagining it, something didn’t feel right.
deco border
There is a lot to be said for being in the space when you are figuring out the design. The room is so plain, I feel the complexity of this design and particularly the border will both stick out like a sore thumb and disappear at the same time. I’d already been thinking of something more geometric, but was having a difficult time landing on something until I went back to our Pinterest board and saw a design Switch had posted.
We had both liked this tile, but I couldn’t figure out a good place for it. Suddenly, it popped out of the floor as a perfect candidate for the rug. While imagining the rug as this tile, I kept looking towards the fireplace and had a visual epiphany that we could repeat that pattern up the wall. After Switch did a mock-up and we adjusted the width a bit, I shopped it around to a few trusted friends to make sure we weren’t crazy, I think we’ve landed on it. Check this out!
living room tile mock-up
I was worried that the pattern would be too much, but broken up by the floors and walls mellows it out. It’s fun, speaks to our aesthetic, and allows for color theme flexibility. Our color will have to be taken care of by the other furniture and decorations, but I’m ok with that. It will allow us to change those to refresh the house when we get tired of the color scheme. We’ll get Francisco working on these, but until then, Switch has some unpacking to do.
stuff! woot!