
on DECEMBER 8, 2019

Looking back at the last two years, I feel like we have been in a suspended period of transition. Traveling back and forth from San Francisco to Cabo has definitely created a lot of stress and contributed to a few more wrinkles and gray hairs, BUT… *drumroll* …..

I am finally making the move to Mexico! Woo hoo! Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I vacated my apartment in SF and Switch and I drove all my stuff down the Baja peninsula to Pescadero. Of course, I turned around and flew right back, but I now feel safe calling casa de once once home. This coming Saturday, I fly down and do not have a return flight booked. So freaky!

The drive down was beautiful of course. While you can do it in 3 days (~500 miles per day) we took a bit more time and spent 5 days (2 nights in CA and 3 nights in Baja). Here are a few choice pics from the drive:

cataviña cow

boojum flowers

old copper mine at santa rosalía

more ruin porn at santa rosalía

the rig at bahía concepción

thanksgiving dinner
