A transition year

on JANUARY 1, 2018

Aside from a stupid head-cold I contracted while visiting family in the cold/wet tundra of the great NW, I’m feeling pretty good. My man is with me, we have a bunch of good visits with family and friends under our belt and we have another glorious two weeks together before he heads back to Baja.

However, 2018 is starting with a whole lot of unknown. Where plans seemed pretty stable mid-2017, the logistics are now up in the air. I get a lot of comfort from a good project plan, so while still positive, the ick is creeping up on me.

The biggest logistical challenge I have presently is that the need to cover income for the increased build cost will keep me working longer than my lease term at my apartment and I don’t yet know if my new job will let me work remotely. I’m 99% certain that my apartment complex doesn’t allow month-to-month terms (I should probably double check that), so if I can’t work out a remote arrangement with work, I’ll have to find alternate housing for a short term. In the Bay Area, that is no insignificant task.

But, instead of spinning out on the uncertainty, I’m going to brand this year as a transition year with the goal that Switch and I will be cohabitating by the end of the year. Re-branding will help my brain deal with the unknown. Here’s to 2018 – the transition year!

positive smiling faces