Introducing la casa de once once

on OCTOBER 13, 2019

This weekend, we made some progress in living our brand. Drumroll, please…… our house has now officially been christened the 11:11 house! In español, this is once once, pronounced ohn-se ohn-se (pretty close to OOntz OOntz, right?)

For those of you that know us, this moniker goes waaaaaay back. Even even before our non-profit production company in Portland when we threw electronic music parties under the 11:11 company name. Back before the oontz oontz, Temple of Sound, cable bitches, the Mackie Fusion sound system, myriads of fantastic friends that we’ve kept in touch with. Way back in 1991, when Switch and I got together, we’d smooch when one of us noticed 11:11 on the clock because his favorite number is 11. I know, GROSS! But it stuck with us, and we still kiss and/or send smooches to friends when we see it. So we decided to bring it to Mexico with us.

One of the amazing things about this place is that we have some incredibly talented friends who are very good with making things. This project was done by two of our Greg friends, primarily by our metal-working friend Greg who does some stellar fabrication and our neighbor Greg Buser who is a very talented carpenter and artisan.

greg and his crew installing the tracks

Notice how the track seems tilted on that concrete beam? That’s because either our house is tilted or the concrete beam is!

door #1

We really wanted this hardware on the top, but it was too expensive, so Greg and his crew just milled it. NBD

hanging the first side

Made of milled, stained wood and sheet metal, our new front door is extremely heavy. We all held our breath as they carefully lowered it onto the floor of the courtyard – making sure to avoid Cabo the blind dog who was there to help supervise.

The door needed to be adjusted on the fly to accommodate for our tilted house.

And voila! The finished product. Which looks astoundingly close to Switch’s original design mock. Woohoo!