Building Update – ¡tenemos paredes!

on JANUARY 14, 2018

We have walls! I suspect that this is the part of the build process where you see the most progress. You see it not because the most progress is being made, but because the progress is so visually obvious. The pictures below are actually from a week ago when our builder called us to re-confirm the height of the clerestory windows. For those not familiar, clerestory windows are small slitted windows near the top of the wall. Ours are about 2 feet high and sit about 8 feet off the floor. We’re adding them to let in more natural light in places where we don’t have a normal window.

The subtext of this conversation was that our diligent workers had built the walls nearly to the level of these clerestory windows – in one week. Granted, laying bricks goes fast and it will slow down as soon as the walls get out of reach and the masons have to access them via scaffolding, but that is still crazy fast. Here are a few pics our builder snapped.

actual masonry – cool!

a taste of the scaffolding that will slow things down

more walls


On a personal note, this is the last day Switch is in town. He flies back to Pescadero tomorrow. We’re both excited for him to see the progress on the house, but the parting is bittersweet. I guess I’ll have to go back to doing the dishes myself. *sigh*